brain tumors
Meningiomas are the most common brain tumor in both cats and dogs. Other brain tumors include lymphoma, ependymoma, choroid plexus tumors, and glial tumors such as astrocytoma. Brain tumors rarely metastasize and the major challenge in treating brain tumors is preserving neurologic function and preventing local tumor recurrence.
Advanced imaging is required for the diagnosis and localization of brain tumors. MRI is preferred but CT scans can also be useful.
Surgical excision alone is recommended for the treatment of meningioma in cats, while a combination of surgical excision and radiation therapy is preferred for dogs with meningioma. Anesthetic management is very important for the success of brain tumor surgery and postoperative hospitalization can be prolonged during recovery.
The combination of surgery and radiation therapy is recommended for other types of brain tumors. Chemotherapy may provide some palliative benefit for cats with lymphoma and dogs with meningioma and glial tumors.
Metastasis is uncommon in cats and dogs with brain tumors, but abdominal ultrasound and chest radiographs should be considered.
Treatment is recommended because the mean survival time for cats and dogs with untreated meningioma is only 18 days and 75 days, respectively. The prognosis for cats with meningioma treated with surgery alone is very good with a median survival time of 485-810 days. The prognosis is more guarded for dogs with meningioma as the median survival time following surgical excision alone is 140-220 days, but this improves to 360-900 days when surgery is combined with radiation therapy.
To be updated